Monday, April 11, 2011

Barry Who?

I read an article online yesterday about our "fearless" leader.  Our president claims that he was born and raised as a US citizen. What he fails to produce is a birth certificate. How is it that someone can get a job, like being a president, without a birth certificate. You have to produce one when enrolling in school, obtaining a driver's licence, obtaining a passport, going on a cruise, etc. So why is he not producing one to the American public since he is suppose give our leader?

There are so many stories about who Barak is, where he grew up, anyhow does and does not qualify to be president. I will pray for our leaders no matter what, but I also would like to know if I am praying for Barak, our president, or Barry, wknd guy pretending to be our president.

The article I read stated that's dad wrote a book. In this book, a claim was made that Barak's real name is Barry and that he changed his name because he did not feel that the blacks would accept him as Barry. I don't know why people would not accept him as Barry, but U know that people aren't going to accept a liar.

I always told my boys that they will always receive a greater punishment for lying to me. If they owned up to their crime to begin with, their punishment was not near as bad. I wanted to punish the crime, not the person, and lying always caused one crime to be bigger. As long as the American people feel that our president is lying, the thoughts of punishment will grow.

I believe that our government should be honest with the American people instead of making it look like we're being dwindled. Just get it over with so we can go on with whatever actually needs to affect the people.

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