Saturday, April 9, 2011

Government Shutdown

For the last few weeks, our government has been deciding whether or not to close the government until agreements can be made regarding the budget. I decided long ago that our government has been closed for some time, otherwise how would we have gotten where we are now? We would not be in budget crisis if had actually followed a budget from the beginning. Our fore fathers wanted a country where we did not have to worry or suffer. The whole point of leaving their previous countries was to be new. What we ended up with was the same ole thing.
Also, how could it even be an option to stop paying our soldiers? They are the only people related to the government who actually earn what they get. Actually, I don't they are paid enough for protecting our freedom and willing to die for it. Who else in the government are willing to do that? How many of our leaders even know what it is to sacrifice for the good of the people? I think it should be a requirement to serve in the military in order to be senator, representative, superior court judge, vice-president, president, or any other government official who is able to decide anything to do with the military.
Another thing with the whole budget thing.....why did it take so long for them to decide that the government should not be paying for abortions? Actually, when did they decide that we the people, the citizens of America, the tax payers should not have to pay for someone's abortions. If someone ends up with an unwanted pregnancy, they should take care of it themselves. Also, most of those should have thought about the consequences before having sex. The only ones I don't hold to this are those who were raped. They didn't choose to have the sex or the baby. I do not agree with abortions at all, but if a person chooses to have one, then they should mayor it, not us.
We may still be considered a young country, but we are making way too many mistakes that should have learned not to make. Dumb people learn from no one's mistakes. Smart people learn from their own mistakes. Wise people learn from other's mistakes. I am proud to be an American. I would just like to see us become wise.

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